寅次郎的故事48:寅次郎红之花(豆瓣 8.9分

原名:男はつらいよ 寅次郎紅の花

别名:Tora-san to the Rescue


主演:后藤久美子  浅丘琉璃子  三崎千惠子  渥美清  吉冈秀隆  下条正巳

上映日期:1995-12-23(日本)  片长:107 分钟   日本  类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情



        Yamada knew before production began that Atsumi's health has deteriorated to such an extent that Tora-san to the Rescue would be the last film in the series. He decided to let Lily accompany Tora on his last trip. The lovers reunite after fifteen years in the picturesque Amami O Shima, and the affections as well as the bickering remain. Although the series must come to its conclusion, Yamada has deliberately left the film's ending open, so as not to let the curtain fall on "Tora-san". Atsumi Kiyosh passed away at the age of 68 in the year following the film's release, making this film his last.

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