免费治愈(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Heal for Free

主演:Jeffrey Smith  Edgar D. Mitchell  大卫·铃木  夏绿蒂·葛森

上映日期:2014-08-08  片长:74分钟   美国  类型:纪录片



If you are an Earthling, this film has an important and uplifting message for YOU. Featuring Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Canadian Broadcaster, Dr. David Suzuki, Internet Health Guru, Dr. Joseph Mercola, the film informs us about the little-known fact that the Earth's surface emits a constant stream of electrons, which neutralize the disease-causing free radicals in our bodies, which cause painful, chronic, inflammatory conditions. Clinical trials at the University of Florida at Gainesville have shown that such chronic inflammation can be improved or reversed in 95% of all cases by the regular practice of Grounding and/or of using Grounding resources.
        - Written by Alexandra Bruce

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