The Head Hunter(豆瓣 6.5分

原名:The Head Hunter

主演:Éva Magyar  James Buller  Raymond Waring  Adam Shaw  亚历山大·维拉赫斯  戴维·甘特  朱利安·刘易斯·琼斯  亚力克·纽曼

上映日期:2016-02-26(美国)   美国 / 英国  类型:惊悚



In 1972 the tranquility of a coastal town in California is broken as hitch-hiking girls begin to go missing and corpses start showing up. Detectives chase every lead that presents itself, to pacify the Chief of Police and their terrified community. The body count rises as a monster reveals himself, hatching a plan to seek the ultimate revenge and murder the person who knows him the best. Welcome to Murder City.

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