我们的精神角落(豆瓣 7.3分


别名:豆瓣首部品牌影片 / 我们的精神角落:豆瓣 / My Inner Space


主演:林美吟  余岱宗

上映日期:2016-02-16(中国大陆)  片长:4分20秒   内地  类型:剧情 / 短片



        这是一首影像诗,也像一个寓言故事,所以愿你带着阅读诗的心情来观看它。多年来,豆瓣对受众的理解,抑或自我解读,都将通过这幕主观视觉化的影像纪录 得以告白释意,并还原为别具意义的画面与声音,袒露在你的面前。这是一个人穿梭自我精神世界的旅程,也是一群人交换精神感受的心声。如果你在影片中,看见自己的影子,你可以说自己很豆瓣;如果你在影片中,看见一群人的模样,那他们,就是豆瓣,就是我们的精神角落。
        Other than a small secret
        I'm just an ordinary person
        I embrace the world with open arms
        And the world embraces me
        all that I have experienced
        and that which I am yet to experience
        is what I want to express
        I'm free-spirited and crave conversation
        I seek to understand how best to communicate with others
        Whilst never seeking recognition
        I’m brave, peace-loving
        lack confidence in this
        Where am I, and where should I go
        In childhood, perhaps...
        But just like you
        The story of childhood is left only in the memory of adults
        I'm strong, sometimes vulnerable
        But never lack care
        I have tasted love
        The taste of true love
        If I do not make myself known
        friends will have no idea where to find me
        But they know that
        Other than this small secret
        I'm just
        an ordinary person
        I embrace the world with open arms
        And sometimes
        I hope to leave the world behind
        My Inner Space

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