气泡(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:The Bubble

别名:The Housing Bubble

主演:乔治·W· 布什  理查德·尼克松  Alan Greenspan  乔恩·斯图尔特  比尔·克林顿  巴拉克·奥巴马  罗恩·保罗  Ben Bernanke  Paul Krugman  威廉姆·拉斯  富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福  Betsy Randle  Herbert Hoover

上映日期:   美国  类型:纪录片 / 历史 / 战争



The Bubble is coming out at a crucial time in American history. America needs a simple economics lesson on the coming crash. Tom Woods wrote a NY Times bestseller on the housing crash and now he has teamed up with experts such as Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, David Stockman, and Doug Casey to reveal where these financial bubbles keep coming from. The Bubble features interviews with those who actually predicted the housing crisis and recession. Austrian economists have predicted every major US crash in the last century, and they are the only ones with the insight necessary to bring us out of this economic slide. This film asks them why this crisis happened, but more importantly, why do they think the next one will be a lot worse.

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