达拉斯旅社(豆瓣 6.0分

原名:Hotel Dallas


上映日期:2016-02-15(柏林电影节)  片长:74分钟   美国 / 罗马尼亚  类型:剧情 / 纪录片 / 奇幻



In 1980s Romania, Dallas is the biggest show on TV. Actually, it's the only show, besides state-controlled news and North Korean soap operas. The authorities present the saga of a Texas oil family as a cautionary tale about the evils of capitalism.
        Dallas enthralls the country—including Ilie and his daughter Livia. He is a small-time criminal and aspiring capitalist; she pines for the show's leading man, Patrick Duffy. After communism falls, Ilie builds the Hotel Dallas, a life-size copy of the TV show's mansion. Livia immigrates to America and becomes a filmmaker. Her first movie stars Patrick Duffy, as a man who dies in Texas and wakes up in Romania, in a hotel that looks just like home.

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