鸟就是鸟(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:A Bird's a Bird

主演:切斯特·康克林  爱丽丝·达文波特  William Hauber  明塔·德菲

上映日期:1915-02-08  片长:10分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 短片



Since his in-laws are coming for dinner, Mr. Walrus is to buy a turkey. Instead, he loses the money on a raffle, meaning no money for the turkey. Meanwhile, Mr. Walrus' neighbor, Mr. Spegle, takes a chance on the raffle and loses, but cheats his competitor, a foreigner, from the prize, which is a turkey. Because of the wrath he is receiving from Mrs. Walrus for no turkey, Mr. Walrus goes to any length to get a bird for dinner. So when Mr. Walrus sees that Mr. Spegle has roasted a turkey for dinner, he can't resist the opportunity to steal it. But some unexpected dinner guests and the wrath of the foreigner end up making the dinner party a commotion filled one for all.

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