魔术技法(豆瓣 5.1分



编剧:J·D·迪拉德  亚历克斯·塞尔

主演:杜勒·希尔  卡梅伦·埃斯波西托  林赛·拉罗斯  萨西尔·扎玛塔  斯托姆·瑞德  迈克尔·维拉尔  布兰登·约翰逊  安德鲁·菲茨帕特里克  杰·沃克  弗兰克·克莱姆  马讷·安德鲁  亚历克斯·海纳  伊丽莎白·格鲁伦

上映日期:2017-01-23(圣丹斯电影节) / 2017-04-28(美国)  片长:90分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 动作 / 科幻



A young street magician is left to take care of his little sister after his mother's passing and turns to drug dealing in the Los Angeles party scene to keep a roof over their heads. When he gets into trouble with his supplier, his sister is kidnapped and he is forced to rely on both his sleight of hand and brilliant mind to save her

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