百味人生(豆瓣 6.9分


别名:The Taste of Life


主演:韩雨洁  王为  姚采颖  庄凯勋  陈孝萱

上映日期:2015-10-11(台湾)  片长:105分钟   台湾  类型:剧情 / 喜剧



        Different styles of dining can also be portrayed as different types of life.Restaurant hostess, Liu Fen Fang, prepares a feast for the new opening of her restaurant. Deep in her heart, however, she also experiences her most bitter moment. Her family is shattered when she hears news of her husband’s affair.Fen Fang considers marriage as her forever refuge. She never expects to face such crisis. She alone must continue to persist. The couple, seemingly in harmony, but at odds, are managing restaurants together at the same time. Fen Fang's good friend, Yi Rong, helps manage the restaurant.Restaurant's customers, a mainland General and a local councilman, are in opposition. From refusing to give in to becoming in-laws, everyone stages their taste of life.This urban implication of the multiple aspects of life, people with prestige and beauty, hidden struggles and temptation, are all portrayed through dining.

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