国家地理百年纪念典藏37:犀牛的哀歌(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:The Rhino War

上映日期:  片长:53分钟   美国  类型:纪录片



Since the 1970s, poachers have slaughtered 95 percent of Africa's black rhino population. Demand for valuable rhino horn in the Far East, where it reaches prices of up to $7,000 per pound, perpetuates the killing of these magnificent creatures. In North Yemen, a rhino-handled dagger is the ultimate status symbol, and a fine antique specimen sells for as much as $15,000. In Africa, the war to save the rhino is heading toward a bitter climax. Zimbabwe rangers realize they can only stem the tide of this crisis unless the network of corrupt dealers and middlemen in the illegal wildlife trade is broken. Until then, the desperate battle to save one of the world's oldest surviving land mammals from extinction continues.

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