笑纹(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:קמטי צחוק

别名:Kimtey Tzchok / Laugh Lines

主演:Yosef Carmon

上映日期:2015-06-17  片长:95分钟   以色列  类型:剧情 / 家庭



A once in a lifetime Gift, leads to a crucial result. Dana , 24 , is bearing the load of her family on her frail shoulders and finds out that the price she pays is her youth. Hannah, the 78 Year old grandma, becomes a widow and turns into a lonely and socially isolated woman. She senses that her life is over, but fate, through her late husband and her granddaughter Dana, grants her one last chance with an unexpected twist in the plot . Dana's white secret, gray lies and actions, all paved with good intentions.


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