Camarate(豆瓣 5.8分


导演:Luís Filipe Rocha

编剧:Luís Filipe Rocha

主演:Virgílio Castelo  Filipe Ferrer  António Pedro Cerdeira  Ana Nave  Carlos Quintas  João Reis  何塞·瓦伦斯坦  Luís Lucas  Luís Mascarenhas  Maria João Luís  Adriano Luz

上映日期:2001-05-10  片长:100分钟   葡萄牙  类型:剧情 / 历史



Luisa, a Portuguese Supreme Court Judge, is given the Camarate File, the investigation of the accident that led to the death of Portuguese Prime-Minister and his accompanists on December the 4th, 1980. She must decide whether the case goes to trial or is to be archived...

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