化身恶魔(豆瓣 6.1分

原名:Ava's Possessions



主演:黛伯拉·拉什  约翰·文堤米利亚  阿莱西娅·雷纳  卢·泰勒·普奇  卡洛·凯恩  路易莎·克劳瑟  吉内瓦·卡尔  乔尔·德·拉·冯特  杰米玛·科克  扎克瑞·布斯  惠特尼·阿贝勒

上映日期:2015-03-13(美国)  片长:89分钟   美国  类型:惊悚 / 悬疑 / 科幻



Ava Dopkins is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she is forced to attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group. As she navigates this new world, Ava must reconnect with her friends, get her job back, and figure out whose blood created the huge stain in her apartment. Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back.

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