三振出局(豆瓣 7.8分

原名:3 Strikes

别名:事不过三 / 三振出局

主演:布莱恩·胡克斯  费松·拉夫  恩布希·赖特

上映日期:2000-03-01  片长:82 分钟   美国  类型:喜剧



Brian Hooks plays a character who is just released from jail. And the state adopts a "3 strikes" rule for felons that involves serious penalties. Hooks has 2 strikes, and wants to change his life for the better. When a friend picks him up, they are pulled over, and his friend shoots at police officers, and Hooks escapes. Now Hooks, a wanted man, must clear his name of having nothing to do with the shooting.

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