El elegido(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:El elegido

别名:The Chosen



主演:哈维尔·戈迪诺  阿方索·埃雷拉  埃米利洛·艾切瓦利亚  弗兰西斯·巴贝  朱利安·山德斯  汉娜·穆雷  古斯塔沃·桑切斯·帕拉

上映日期:   西班牙  类型:剧情



A man named Jacques Mornard arrives in Mexico in 1940, claiming to be a Belgian who is fleeing the war in Europe to join his girlfriend, one of refugee Leon Trotsky's secretaries. But nobody knows that in reality this conventional and cheerful young man is in fact an agent of the GPU (Soviet Secret Service) and has been sent to assassinate Trotsky.

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