活着(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Staying Alive


主演:Nils Jørgen Kaalstad  Anne Marie Ottersen  安德斯·巴斯莫·克里斯蒂安森  Johnny Logan  Linn Skåber  阿格尼丝·基特尔森

上映日期:2015-01-09(挪威)  片长:82分钟   挪威  类型:喜剧



The comedy Staying Alive is about Marianne (34) who discovers out of the blue that her boyfriend Haakon is having an affair with Frida, a young colleague who makes waffles at work every Friday. Supported by her best friend's revenge tips and wisdom, Marianne stumbles into her new life where she eventually discovers that coziness is overrated, having funs is what matters.

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