Archaeology of a Woman(豆瓣 7.0分

原名:Archaeology of a Woman

主演:斯蒂芬·格维顿  莎莉·柯克兰德  卡尔·盖瑞  Judson Jones  Mary Testa  詹姆斯·墨塔夫

上映日期:2014-09-12(美国)  片长:94分钟   美国  类型:剧情



ARCHAEOLOGY OF A WOMAN written and directed by critically acclaimed director Sharon Greytak. A talented chef (Kate) travels from New York City to her suburban hometown to care for her mother's worsening dementia. Kate expects to put a few services in place and return to the city, but events change as her spirited mother disappears, defies authorities, and finds herself tangled up with lovers and a generation-old murder case. A unique take on dementia and mystery.

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