心有余悸(豆瓣 5.0分


主演:康蒂·芭柏  Laurien Dominique  杰米·吉利斯

上映日期:1979  片长:72分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 情色



        华丽的电视新闻报道tkaes她的剧组人员卧底(这么说),并获得人们的不修边幅的梦想好色的低下来,晚上news.From A到Z,人类色情刺激的多样性是一个大开眼界,mind-扑面而来的经验。没有不修边幅的行动去撤消!十一这个消息是不是永远这样的 - 所以不要碰那拨!
        It's a tough assignment, but someone's got to do it!
        A gorgeous TV news reporter tkaes her film crew undercover (so to speak) and acquires the lusty low-down on people's raunchy dreams for the evening news.From A to Z, the diversity of human erotic stimulation is an eye-opening, mind-blowing experience. No raunchy action goes undone! The news at eleven was not ever like this - so don't touch that dial!

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