星期天(豆瓣 5.5分




上映日期:  片长:13min   罗马尼亚  类型:剧情 / 短片



Filmed in the car most of the story has two heroes, a brother and sister (Alexandru Potocean and Cristina Găvruş) who go to the hospital where a relative is in serious condition. Tension between them feels very first words, is argumentative attitude that often have siblings. She recounts the incident earlier in the evening, when a man followed her car (real chance Sînziana Nicola, who used the episode as inspiration), and he is angry that he did not call for help, like a big brother what it is. The tension between them, the stress of traffic and proximity to hospital, illness, death creates a cinematic moment full of intensity. The camera is placed in the car behind the two characters, but we see good reactions and feelings.
        film written and directed by actress Sînziana Nicola, was awarded Best Short Film at Stuttgart Filmwinter Festival (January 16 to 19 ).

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