Highfliers(豆瓣 6.9分


上映日期:  片长:80   其他  类型:剧情



That???s a story of 2 friends who like a magnet attract troubles of all kinds. Having an itch for money to bring their dreams closer to reality, they find themselves on a movie set.
        The HIGH Fliers (Zaletchiki) is a youth farce comedy that organically intertwines recognizable gayeties of life, eclectic flows of gags, humor and action with realistic visual effects. That???s a story of 2 friends who like a magnet attract troubles of all kinds. Having an itch for money to bring their dreams closer to reality (one of them wants to become a pilot, the other one ??? to get into showbiz), they find themselves on a movie set. When all hell goes loose, the friends are to save the world from dangerous warlords and find love. The dreams come true, but at what cost...

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