貌美青春(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:Hermosa juventud

别名:Jirafas, rinocerontes e hipopótamos / Beautiful Youth



主演:英格丽·加西亚·荣松  Carlos Rodríguez

上映日期:2014-05-18(戛纳电影节) / 2014-05-30(西班牙)  片长:102分钟   西班牙  类型:剧情



Natalia and Carlos, both aged 20, are in love and struggling to survive in today's Spain. Their limited resources prevent them from getting ahead as they'd like to. They have no great ambitions because they have no great hopes. To earn some money, they decide to shoot an amateur porno film. The birth of their daughter Julia is the main catalyst for the changes they make.

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