Year of the Dragon(豆瓣 6.5分

原名:Anul dragonului

别名:Year of the Dragon

上映日期:  片长:78分钟   其他  类型:剧情



The documentary reveals aspects of the lives of three men who represent different social groups and at the same time, tells the story of a community that tries to adapt to a country known for a link, but a common political past.
        "Year of the Dragon" tells the story of Chinese immigrants in Bucharest, wandering in the social and economic landscape in Romania today and at the same time, capture fragments of Romanian reality seen and understood from their perspective. Regardless of their social status, the early stages of adaptation are difficult and hide uncomfortable truths.
        Han Wenlong is an illegal immigrant whose dream of working on a construction site in Eastern Europe ended before starting. Shen Xiaoming is a Chinese businessman and at the same time, a Romanian citizen who lives suspended between two worlds. Li Jianhua is a journalist who has risked his life trying to present an objective in a life of a community, in its infancy.

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