洛城屠手(豆瓣 4.0分

原名:L.A. Slasher



主演:埃里克·罗伯茨  安迪·迪克  弗兰克·考利森  德雷克·贝尔  托莉·布莱克  Marisa Lauren  丹尼·特雷霍  布洛克·霍根

上映日期:2015-06-26(美国)  片长:86 min   美国 / 英国  类型:喜剧 / 犯罪 / 奇幻



Incensed by the tabloid culture which celebrates it, the L.A. Slasher publicly abducts a series of reality TV stars, while the media and general public in turn begin to question if society is better off without them. A biting, social satire about reality TV and the glorification of people who are famous for simply being famous, "L.A. Slasher" explores why it has become acceptable and even admirable for people to become influential and wealthy based on no merit or talent - purely through notoriety achieved through shameful behavior.

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