鸿雁传影:阿尔伯特·塞拉与利桑德罗·阿隆索往来影笺(豆瓣 5.3分

原名:Sinergias: Diálogo entre Albert Serra y Lisandro Alonso

别名:Correspondence: Albert Serra and Lisandro Alonso

导演:阿尔伯特·塞拉  利桑德罗·阿隆索

主演:阿尔伯特·塞拉  利桑德罗·阿隆索

上映日期:2011  片长:169分钟   西班牙  类型:剧情



This filmic exchange is based on two works that reflect on the way each director films, on the crew and the actors, on the way they see and make cinema. Albert Serra took the characters of Honor de Cavalleria and his regular team of collaborators to follow in the steps of Quixote. Lisandro Alonso returned to La Pampa province to film his work, for which he recalls Misael Saavedra, the lead of his first film, La Libertad.

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