

星座:双子座   生日:1921-05-27

出生地:澳大利亚,新南威尔士,西梅特兰   职业:导演 / 演员 / 制片人 / 编剧 / 配音

别名:   外文名:Bob Godfrey   外文名别名:Robert John Godfrey (本名)




Roland Frederick Godfrey (born 27 May 1921) is a British animator whose career spans more than fifty years. He is probably best known for the children's cartoon series Roobarb (1974), Noah and Nelly in... SkylArk (1977) and Henry's Cat (1983) and for the Trio chocolate biscuit advertisements shown in the UK during the early 1980s. However, he has also produced a BAFTA and Academy award-winning short film Great (1975), a tongue-in-cheek biography of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He was previously nomi

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