Gaylen Ross


星座:狮子座   生日:1950-08-15

出生地:美国,印第安纳州,印第安纳波利斯   职业:导演 / 制片人 / 演员 / 剪辑 / 编剧

别名:   外文名:Gaylen Ross   外文名别名:Gail Sue Rosenblum (本名)





Gaylen Ross was born as Gail Rosenblum in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was managing editor of the poetry journal, "Antaeus" and Ecco Press from 1975 to 1977. Ross was an actress for brief 4 years only, making an impressive film debut as the heroine "Francine" in George Romero's outstanding Dawn of the Dead, followed by her portrayal of Leslie Nielsen's adulterous wife "Becky Vickers" in the George Romero and Stephen King's "Something to Tide You Over" segment of the hugely enjoyable horror antholo

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