Man of 49 Days(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Man of 49 Days

别名:49일의 남자 (1994)

主演:李甫姫  郑宝石  宋永彰

上映日期:1994  片长:98分钟   韩国  类型:惊悚 / 悬疑



        The number '49' comes form a Korean tradition originated by Buddhism Koreans believe that after a man's death, the soul remains at a place which is neither this world nor the other world for 49 days. In this movie, the hero 'J' locates a woman who has been kidnapped for 49 days, And the number '49' gives hope for resurrection to those women who died form men's sexual violations as 49th-day rituals. 'J' spent his college days during the 1980s when student demonstrations were very serious He always felt regret that he did not participate in student demonstrations more actively He is a writer now. One day, 'J' finds a message on his automatic answering machine that his old girlfriend wants to see him He goes to the place where his girlfriend was to meet him But she is kidnapped by gangsters right there One of them orders 'J' to locate a women During his efforts to locate the mysterious woman, many murders occur around him, and he is gradually put in danger.

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