魔鬼岛监狱(豆瓣 6.2分

原名:Le prigioniere dell'isola del diavolo

别名:魔鬼岛监狱 / Women of Devil's Island


主演:盖·麦迪森  米歇尔·梅奇

上映日期:1962  片长:USA: 86 分钟   法国 / 意大利  类型:剧情 / 动作 / 冒险



Female prisoners are shipped to Devil's Island penal colony. They are indoctrinated into the prison life from abusive guards and then a new prison governor arrives with planned reforms.
        A new warden arrives on Devil's Island to take over the women's prison at the infamous French penal colony. Surrounded by alligator-infested waters and mistreated by wardens, the women spend their days being forced to collect gold. But while the new reforms are being poorly-received by the old-school guards accustomed to having their way with the female prisoners, all is not as it seems, for a clever gold thief resides in their midst. Guy Madison stars in this Italian-made cult/costume favorite, which also remains one of the earliest entries to the genre of women-in-prison movies.

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