尖叫的男人(豆瓣 6.8分

原名:Un homme qui crie

别名:呐喊之男(台) / 失魂游泳池(港) / A Screaming Man



主演:Youssouf Djaoro  Dioucounda Koma

上映日期:2010-05-16(戛纳电影节) / 2010-09-29(法国) / 2010-10-13(比利时)  片长:92 分钟   法国 / 比利时 / 乍得  类型:剧情



        Present-day Chad. Adam, sixty something, a former swimming champion, is pool attendant at a smart N'Djamena hotel. When the hotel gets taken over by new Chinese owners, he is forced to give up his job to his son Abdel. Terribly resentful, he feels socially humiliated. The country is in the throes of a civil war. Rebel forces are attacking the government. The authorities demand that the population contribute to the "war effort", giving money or volunteers old enough to fight off the assailants. The District Chief constantly harasses Adam for his contribution. But Adam is penniless; he only has his son....

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