弗兰肯斯坦计划(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:Szelíd teremtés - A Frankenstein-terv

别名:TENDER SON - The Frankenstein Project


编剧:玛丽·雪莱  凯内尔·穆德卢佐

主演:山大·特赫斯  Miklós Székely B.  Ági Margittay  卡塔·韦伯  Diána Kiss  凯内尔·穆德卢佐  莉莉·莫罗利

上映日期:2010-09-09  片长:105分钟   德国 / 奥地利 / 匈牙利  类型:剧情



        Long ago, a young man fathered a child without ever knowing what became of him. Now 17, his son Rudi returns home hoping to reunite with his family after years spent in an institution. Returning to his mother, he hopes to find acceptance, affection, and most importantly, who his father is, but finds that he is not welcome. Almost by accident, Rudi slips into a casting session. The director of the film is transfixed by his innocence and thinks he has found his lead. But a terrible event soon compromises Rudi’s good intentions. He becomes a hunted murderer, and the director realizes that Rudi, this peculiar and silent boy, is his son and his own monstrous creation. The director now has no other choice but to accompany his son on his inevitable, brutal path and their common search for redemption.

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