我亲爱的杀手(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Mio Caro Assassino

别名:My Dear Killer

上映日期:1972-02-03  片长:Italy: 96 分钟   意大利 / 西班牙  类型:犯罪 / 惊悚 / 恐怖



An unseen killer is murdering people that know too much in connection with an earlier unsolved case of a missing girl. I like the giallo genre, but this one by Tonino Valerii is laid back to the point of being tedious, a few gory set-pieces can't even help this film. The ending is horribly cliché and the film has one scene that featured a fully naked prepubescent girl that repulsed me. There is NO reason to put a nude eleven or twelve year-old in any film. EVER!

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