婚姻的责任(豆瓣 7.1分

原名:The Undertaker's Wedding

别名:殡仪馆的美容师 / J'ai épousé un croque-mort / 婚姻的责任

上映日期:1998-02-10  片长:89 分钟 / Germany: 80 分钟(TV versio   美国 / 加拿大  类型:喜剧 / 犯罪



Mario Bellini's (Adrien Brody) life as an undertaker may not be filled with romance, but his funeral parlor certainly sees some action: Business is booming because of a local mob war. While wise guys are being bumped off left and right, Mario is asked by crime boss Alberto (Burt Young) to hide his hit man brother Rocco (Jeff Wincott). A love quadrangle forms among Mario and Rocco's long-suffering wife Maria (Kari Wuhrer), Rocco and Mario's girlfriend Louise (Holly Gaginer), and the body count suddenly rises.
        罗克的妻子玛丽娅年轻漂亮,但脾气暴躁,在一次醋海风波中玛丽娅错杀了躲在殡仪馆内装 死的丈夫,马里奥因此背上了黑锅,不料此举却赢得了玛丽娅的芳心……

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