延边口技(豆瓣 8.1分



上映日期:2008   内地 / 其他  类型:None



W+K上海的LiuFeng,无意间看到一条关于中国某偏远省份一个正在玩口技的当地老屯子桂晶的录像时,他发现这是他见过的技巧最高超的口技,必须将它拍成一部影片。于是一部纪录片应运而生,它讲述了三个延边的年轻口技爱好者为支持英国口技高手Killa Kela不远千里来到北京与上海的故事。这部不以品牌为出发点的独立影片开始在电影节巡展上崭露头角,无疑成了W+K倡导做自己热衷项目的最佳典范。
        When Shanghai director Liu Feng stumbled on a video of villagers in a remote province of China creating some of the most insane beatboxing he’d ever seen, he knew he had to capture them on film. The result is a film documenting three young beatboxers’ journey to Beijing and Shanghai to support British beatboxing legend Killa Kela. The non-branded film, starting to hit the festival circuit, is a great example of the kind of projects we love to make for ourselves.

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