我当歌手的日子(豆瓣 6.3分

原名:Quand j'étais chanteur

别名:当我还是歌手时 / 当我曾是歌者 / 退休歌手 / When I Was a Singer / The Singer



主演:热拉尔·德帕迪约  Christophe  塞西尔·德·弗朗斯  马修·阿马立克  克里斯汀·奇蒂  Jean-Pierre Gos  Antoine de Prekel

上映日期:2006-09-13(法国)  片长:112分钟   法国  类型:剧情 / 爱情 / 音乐



Gérard Depardieu finds new career tricks by showing off his vocal skills as a dance hall singer in an affecting story that paints a nostalgic picture of a 20-year craft threatened by the onslaught of DJs and karaoke bars. He plays aging entertainer Alain Moreau, who wins the hearts of pensioners, middle-aged ladies and their ilk with heart-rending songs he performs at village discos, homes for the elderly and even the local frog festival.
        Moreau sings lines such as “I would do all for a flirt with you” and “Live your life to the fullest!” – then goes home to his empty house, where a juke box, a goat and a self-tanning machine are his only companions.
        Enter the cool and attractive Marion (Cécile de France) as an energetic estate agent and single mother who falls in love with him, starts to change his life, and gently mocks his profession while trying to resist his charms – but not for long.
        A simple story, beautifully told and acted, When I was a Singer is a highly anticipated French romantic comedy.
        謝勒.狄帕度為他的演藝事業再創高峰,這一次他大展歌喉,演繹一名在夜總會演唱已有廿多年經驗的歌手,但他的歌唱生涯卻正面臨被時下流行的 DJ 吧及卡啦 OK 吧取代的危機。片中他飾演年華漸老的藝人阿倫,他經常在鄉村的士高、區內的老人院和節日慶典中唱歌助慶,他那些溫馨熱情的歌曲極受村內的長者及中年太太們的歡迎。
        Source: The 35th French Cinepanorama
        Hong Kong French Film Festival

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