茶花女(豆瓣 5.1分

原名:La Traviata

上映日期:2018-09-14(中国大陆)  片长:133分钟   意大利  类型:爱情 / 音乐 / 戏曲



巴黎交际花薇奥莉塔因喜欢佩戴茶花,得名“茶花女”。她名噪一时,美貌出众,虽过着骄奢的生活,却并无追求名利的心。一次偶然机会,她结识了年轻的阿尔弗莱德并被打动。为此她毅然放弃浮华的巴黎社交圈。但阿尔弗莱德的父亲阿芒出现并坚决地恳求她离开自己的儿子,薇奥莉塔为了爱人的前途及 声誉,忍痛答应,无奈回到巴黎重操旧业。阿尔弗莱德不知内情,盛怒中当众羞辱了薇奥莉塔,使得原本患有肺痨的她大受打击、生命垂危。至此,阿芒才将实情告诉儿子,但为时已晚,薇奥莉塔孤独得离开了人世。
        Teatro Real
        Enfoques. Encuentro con Renato Palumbo, Ermonela Jaho, Francesco Demuro, Juan Jesús Rodríguez y Joan Matabosch
        14 de abril de 2015, 20.30 horas. Sala Gayarre
        La Traviata is not only one of Giuseppe Verdi’s best known works but ranks among the most popular operas of all times. Based on the novel and play La Dame aux camélias by Alexander Dumas (fi ls), the tragic story of the terminally ill courtesan Violetta who falls in love with the young gentleman Alfredo Germont has moved audiences to tears for more than 150 years.
        This lavish new production of Verdi’s masterpiece is staged by Argentine director Hugo de Ana, a regular guest at the world’s most prestigious opera houses and acclaimed for his spectacular scenery sets and his special use of light. The extra-large stage of the Arena di Verona is his ideal challenge. Ermonela Jaho, an intense and dramatic Violetta, and Francesco Demuro, an elegant Alfredo, are both making their Arena debut. Vladimir Stoyanov, giving a commanding yet refined Germont, completes the exquisite trio of protagonists under the baton of acclaimed conductor Julian Kovatchev.
        Orchestra, Chorus and Ballet of the Arena di Verona
        Julian Kovatchev (conductor) & Hugo de Ana (stage director)
        Ermonela Jaho (Violetta Valéry), Francesco Demuro (Alfredo Germont) & Vladimir Stoyanov (Giorgio Germont)
        Live from the Arena di Verona, 2011

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